Jun 15, 2021
様々な国の素晴らしい先生たちがリンデンホールで教えています。今回はフィリピン出身の大変優秀なパブロ先生を紹介します。パブロ先生は、フィリピンにある名門大学の1つであるDe La Salle大学の大学院で修士号を取得しました。また、大学時代、教育実習の期間に、特に高い評価を受け、特別に表彰されました。パブロ先生のICT教育のレベルも高く、彼女の熱心さやプロ意識の高さにも感心しています。パブロ先生はいつも笑顔で、子供たちのことを第一に考えてくれる素敵な先生です。
We have teachers from many different countries at Linden Hall. Today I would like to introduce an excellent teacher from the Philippines. Ms. Pablo graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in the Philippines, De La Salle University. She also received a special recognition in her college which is "outstanding Demonstrator" award. It is given to student teachers who show great demo lesson during their practice teaching season. Ms. Pablo has great skills and knowledge about ICT education. She is also very professional, always smiling and cheerful. Most importantly, she always thinks and cares about her students. We are really fortunate to have Ms. Pablo at our school!